BJJ Mental Models
Your guide to a conceptual and intelligent Jiu-Jitsu approach. BJJ black belt Steve Kwan and a slate of expert guests explain the concepts, strategies, and tactics behind the gentle art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
BJJ Mental Models
Ep. 313: Second-Level Coaching, feat. Fiona Geisinger
This week we're joined by Fiona Geisinger! Fiona is the founder of Athletic Arts and is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt training out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. In this episode, Fiona explains second-level coaching, and how athletes of all levels benefit from a "second opinion" by working with other coaches either in-person or remotely.
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Mental models discussed in this episode:
- Psychological Safety
https://bjjmentalmodels.com/psychological-safety/ - Consistency
https://bjjmentalmodels.com/consistency/ - Do What Works
https://bjjmentalmodels.com/do-what-works/ - Feedback Loop
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