BJJ Mental Models
BJJ Mental Models
Ep. 130: Position Series: Kesa Gatame, feat. Sonny Brown
This week, we're joined by one of our most often requested guests: Sonny Brown! Sonny, also known as "that other BJJ podcast guy," is working on a kesa gatame instructional. He joins us to share core concepts on this underutilized position.
We debunk common kesa gatame misconceptions:
- "They'll just take my back"
- "They'll just bridge me over"
- "They'll just push my head into an armbar or crucifix"
- "Kesa gatame is only for big guys"
- "Once you get into kesa gatame, you’re stuck there."
Critical control points for kesa gatame:
- Keep your legs at a 90° angle to block the bridge
- Keep their near-side elbow off the mat
- Bring your opponent's chin to your chest.
- Don’t lean your head over to their far side.
Mental models discussed in this episode:
- Do What Works - Predictable Responses - Theory of Alignment - Surface Area - Shifting Platforms - Critical Control Points - Center of Gravity
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